Event notice
第187回丸の内Square Academy Seminar のお知らせ
第187回丸の内Square Academy Seminar のお知らせ「欧州コロナウイルス対策・なぜドイツはイタリア、英国、スペイン、フランスと違ったのか」
First of all, let me say that my heart is with those who lost loved ones and who are in hospitals at this moment and their families who are unable to be with them. I pray every moment for their earliest recovery.
Among G7 nations, Japan has the lowest death toll of Coronavirus. She enjoys 0.7 per 100k.
Germany is the second lowest. Angela Merkel was successfully keeping Germany's death toll at 10.45 per 100k.
By way of comparison, UK is hitting 58; Italy is 55, and France is 44. USA is 33. Israel who is not a G7 member is doing better than Germany in recording 3.2 .
While there are so many commentators including myself (click "here") who discuss Japan's mysterious/miraculous status, we have not heard enough about German success.
Now therefore, I will have a Zoom presentation by Mr. Kumagai , a journalist living in Germany to discuss German success in defending nation against Coronavirus.